After many attempt in persuading me to part with one of Fobs (i have 5), and failed in doing so, my lil girl decide to do her own fob. Not that Mama is cruel tau (correct word ke). But Mama wants her lil girl to learn to do one for herself, cos i knows she can do it.
So, here is the fob done by my 10 years old girl. Isn't it sweet.(Puji la anak sendiri). Me just helped to join at the beginning and ending. Now she is giving out a big sigh! why? cos her ayah and aunty is asking her to do one for them. And her answer to them was, 'OK, one day....' hehehe.
Surprisingly, my lil girl is also having an xs exchange with her 20year old cousin. It is a piece called Girlfriends Forever. I tot only me have exchanges. hmmmmmmmmmmmm. As the saying goes 'Like mother like daughter'.
wah cantiknya...pandai your girl buat...congrats. The colors r sooo sweet.
cantik la kak reen..pls convey my congrats to her...nice end result for a first attempt..bravo!!
wahh..tergodanyeee......bestnye ade pewaris buat xs ni...ehheh.. so congrats to yr anak dara.....
Thank u. I will let her know. the colours she change ikut her own liking. i bgtau dia yg Mus nak buat excen ngan dia, dia kata, 'no,no,no'. nak bagi boleh, excen tak dapat. Tapi nak blajar buat biscournu pulak.
zura, mmg dia kata all my barang xs is hers.
kak noreen dah boleh berbangga ni...ada pewaris and also ada orang tolong siapkan WIP untuk akak.in future maybe..who knows kan...hehehehe...
uuwaaaa...cantikyer kak reen. pandainyer dia buat..mcm orang dewasa je works dia..Hung and Kisses untuk dia eks.
YOur daughter is a fast learner. Cantik dan kemas..My regards to her.
happy dia klu dapat pujian.
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